Bienvenidos al blog del Centro de Educación Ambiental de Villardeciervos (Zamora)

Un año más, volvemos a abrir nuestras puertas para recibir a alumnos de toda España.

Esperamos devolverlos a sus lugares de origen un poco más enamorados de la naturaleza, concienciados de la importancia de su cuidado y con nuevos lazos de amistad que los enriquezcan como personas.

lunes, 8 de octubre de 2018

Monday, 8th October (Schools from Torrevieja and Teruel)

We are Pablo and Laura and we are from Torrevieja and from Teruel .Yesterday we slept in Toro,and this morning we came to VillardeCiervos. Today we learnt to respect the mother nature and we learnt lots of things about wolves and deers and the most important we learnt about the rules in this school.

In the afternoon, we have visited the town and we have done an activity where we have looked for different things. And we learnt to work in teams. I liked the activity we did today,and we are spending a very good time .Tonight we are going to do a game with mimic.

Villardeciervos is a nice town.

See you soon friends.

Laura and Pablo