Bienvenidos al blog del Centro de Educación Ambiental de Villardeciervos (Zamora)

Un año más, volvemos a abrir nuestras puertas para recibir a alumnos de toda España.

Esperamos devolverlos a sus lugares de origen un poco más enamorados de la naturaleza, concienciados de la importancia de su cuidado y con nuevos lazos de amistad que los enriquezcan como personas.

martes, 23 de octubre de 2018

23rd October

Hello, I'm Pol from Lleida. Today has been our second day in Villardeciervos.
First, we have woke up and we have had breakfast. Then we have gone to La Sierra de la Culebra, where we have learntt some things about the trees and animals of that zone. We have also gone to El La Peña Del Castro, where we  have enjoyed a beautiful landscape.
After that we have come back to the centre and we have had lunch (Lentils and chicken)
On the afternoon, we have done two workshops. In the first, we have done an orientation game in Villardeciervos answering questions and using a tablet. It has been very interesting. In the second one, we have done an aloe vera cream and we have learnt all its benefits.
And that's all for today. See you soon.