Today we woke up with some music at eight o´cock. Then we had breakfast and then we started our activities.
Today we also celebrated the International Environment day, which coincides with the 25th Anniversary or this CEAm. Some public figures visited us and we talked about the importance of keeping our oceans clean, reducing the use of plastics that pollute our seas.
Half of the students started with geochaching and the other half made some aloe vera creams. Then we switched activities and it was really fun!
The geocaching is a game in which you have to search for hidden objects using a gps.
After that we had lunch (lentils and meat with potatoes with some icecream for dessert).
In the evening, we went for a hike to the Sierra de la Culebra. It was really cloudy and we were scared it would start to rain...and it did! We had to literally run back to the CEAm when it suddenly started pouring and hailing! We got to the CEAm soaking wet and cold but luckily we had a hot shower and we were ready to go!
Now we're going to have dinner and after that we are going to do another activity.
We are having a blast!
See you soon!
Putting some effort into our Aloe Vera creams |