Bienvenidos al blog del Centro de Educación Ambiental de Villardeciervos (Zamora)

Un año más, volvemos a abrir nuestras puertas para recibir a alumnos de toda España.

Esperamos devolverlos a sus lugares de origen un poco más enamorados de la naturaleza, concienciados de la importancia de su cuidado y con nuevos lazos de amistad que los enriquezcan como personas.

martes, 15 de mayo de 2018

Tuesday 15th May 2018 (Schools from Arnedo and Madrid)

Hi, we are Arena and Diego!

This morning we woke up at eight o´clock with some music.

Then we tidied up our rooms and had breakfast (some toasts with chocolate milk, cereals and juice).

After that we went on a trip through the Sierra de la Culebra. There the teachers told us about flora (oaks, pines and chestnuts) and fauna (wildboars, wolves, deers, squirrels...). We also saw the Valparaiso damn and a Celtic Castro from the second century before Christ!

Learning a bit while enjoying an apple

When came back we had lunch (lentils with vegetables, chicken with potatoes and some fruit for dessert).

In the evening we had some workshops! One was about Geocaching and in the other one we made some candles with different colours. It was fantastic!

Working hard to create some candles

Now, we are going to have dinner and after that we are going to the forest to listen to some stories.

See you tomorrow!