Bienvenidos al blog del Centro de Educación Ambiental de Villardeciervos (Zamora)

Un año más, volvemos a abrir nuestras puertas para recibir a alumnos de toda España.

Esperamos devolverlos a sus lugares de origen un poco más enamorados de la naturaleza, concienciados de la importancia de su cuidado y con nuevos lazos de amistad que los enriquezcan como personas.

lunes, 9 de mayo de 2022

Fist day

May 9th 2022 
Hi, my mane is Sara. I´m from Spain, Madrid.
Today we were doing the presentation and we divided the bedroom groups , because today it was our first day in this environment center.
Then, we did an activity in the village. This activity was very fun, we went all around the village.
The snack and the lunch were very nice.
Now we are going to have dinner and then we will do a night activity.