Bienvenidos al blog del Centro de Educación Ambiental de Villardeciervos (Zamora)

Un año más, volvemos a abrir nuestras puertas para recibir a alumnos de toda España.

Esperamos devolverlos a sus lugares de origen un poco más enamorados de la naturaleza, concienciados de la importancia de su cuidado y con nuevos lazos de amistad que los enriquezcan como personas.

martes, 18 de junio de 2019

Hello my name is Sara and I’m from a school in Murcia  and my name is Jairo and I’m from a school in Plasencia.
Today at first time in the morning we woke up and had breakfast, after that we had some free time to do what ever we wanted to do. The firs activity is that we went to the forest and saw different types of vegetation, also we observed different views. Later, we had a nice lunch time meal and some more free time for playing: football and other activities.
In the afternoon we had a discus about the pollution effect and played games to demostraited it with chairs. As well we made a treasure hunt with the help of Daniel where we learnd about an application called Geocaching.
It was a fantastic day!!!!!